Oh ..... I didnt see you there. It looks like you stumbled across my Portfolio. Feel free to look around or if you're in a rush grab a copy of my resume. A resume only gives you a page worth of information. So I figured it would be better to wear my JS hat and build a portfolio from modern frameworks. This is a good space for me to show off what I can do in both my 9:00-5:00 and my 5:00-9:00.
Here are some technical areas of interest:
Cloud Computing
AI Development
Application Development
Data Engineer / Analysis
Workflow Automation
Decentralized Finance
Computer Hardware / Self Hosting
Software Security Scanning and Analysis
Digital Design / Marketing / E-commerce
Reach out if you want to collaborate or just take a look around and let me know what you think!
Can you guess which one is me?
I grew up as 1 of a pair. Believe it or not we are fraternal.
In case you're curious about this site specifically, I used a React-based, open-source framework called Gatsby using a fairly minimal design that I pulled from their templates. I have the source code ongithub and am deploying it automatically on commits to main with github actions.
After graduating from Boston University in Spring 2018, I started my career as a Software Engineer at Optum. Optum is the tech subsidiary of United Health Group, the largest health insurance provider in the country, currently supporting more than 49 million members. Optum provided me a fantastic environment to learn and grow.
I have a passion for problem solving and believe that I can apply my skill set to industries that are being modernized at a rapid pace. According to Baseline, "Nearly 90% of all data has been created in the last two years." The systems currently supporting some of society's biggest institutions are running on some incredibly antiquated systems that will need to be made more robust and scalable.
Outside of my 9:00 to 5:00, I continue to work with new and exciting technologies. I have really enjoyed building out elegant user interfaces while working with serverless and other varied backend systems. The tools available these days are pretty amazing. The speed at which the industry shifts is part of the reason I love it so much. Recently, I worked with some friends to build and automate the deployment of a discord bot to amazon web services via github actions. We currently have a mini economy implemented in our chat server that communicates with a database service called fauna DB. Another project I really enjoyed working on was a consulting contract with the Partnership to Reduce Cancer in Rhode Island (PRCRI). They are are providing a tremendous amount of support to the cancer community in Rhode Island.
After nearly three years of working at Optum, I decided that I wanted to progress my career at a smaller, more dynamic company that would allow me to grow my technical skills faster. I began working at ZeroNorth, a Boston based startup, in February 2021 and quickly immersed myself in the world of Cybersecurity. ZeroNorth offered a robust platform for automating and orchestrating security scanning offereing a wide range of different tools. Similar to my role at Optum, I worked in a full stack capacity working with an Angular frontend, Node API, Typescript libraries and Python security runners. I also directly worked with a wide range of the scanners themselves. I learned a tremendous amount in my time at ZeroNorth and am super grateful for the team we had.
Throughout the first year of or two of Covid I had worked closely with an old friend to launch the digital assets for his local coffee company. Teddy Sullivan's We Roast Coffee has been a huge hit in our hometown and has developed a big base of locals who sing its praises. Local media outlets have also taken notice:
If you're in northern RI, looking for the best cup of coffee around, then pop into his store during business hours at 276 Front Street. Though word on the street is that they are moving soon.
We built out an online store with shopify and hosted it with a nice memorable domain of weroast.coffee.
During initial talks I built out a blot as a proof of concept using a JAM stack (JavaScript, APIs and mark down). I implemented the front end using Gatsby which is a javascript framework built on top of react. I also used various third party software and APIs including: Auth0 for authentication and authorization Contentful for content management and Netlify for automated deployments and cloud hosting. The original blog was since replaced with the shopify store and front page.
In November of 2021 ZeroNorth was aquired by Harness which is a leading cloud software development platform that sells a variety of products to speed up various parts of the software delivery life cycle (SDLC) for hundreds of fortue 500 companies. ZeroNorth became a new Harness module called Security Tests Orchestration (STO) which was the first official Security solution to be rolled out at Harness in the Summer of 2022 which was a little more than a half years work after being aquired.
I have been working for Harness since then doing all kinds sorts technical work for them. The results of my hard work were shown in my contribution to th eteam and success of our module earing me two annual star performer awards (2022, 2024), well have to see if I can get the hat trick. This growing expierience and responsibilities along with the support of my awesome team has helped me to move level up as an engineer many times and advance my career greatly. Im now at a point where no problem seems too big because I've seen it all.
I grew up in Lincoln, RI right outside of Providence and had a pretty picturesque up bringing. With a population of about 20,000 it is a pretty small town full of some great parks and Rhode Island's own Twin River Casino! I often reflect on the amazing memories and life-long friendships I made during my Rhode Island childhood. Growing we spent winters skiing in Vermont and summers at the beach in Naragansett with friends and family. It's a dream of mine to own a big huge lake house and host all my friends and family. But that is then and this is now. Right now I am absorbing all the knowledge and expierience I can from the incredible people I've worked with in order grow both as a person and a professional. If you can make yourself 1% better every day then at the end of the year you will have improved by a factor 37.
I am so grateful to family for their support in all my endevors. It's vital to recognize the importance of your loved ones. I would be nowhere had it not been for my parents. Especially when it came to selecting a College. A big decision for an 18 year old. I have strong opinions about the world in which we live and the systems with which we operate. However it's those opinions that drive me forward to make changes. I attended Boston Univeristy, majored in applied mathematics and computer science, and graduated with cum laude honors. To be honest, college was way harder than high school but I am glad that I went because I met awesome people and made some great memories.
I guess that brings us to the present. These days I live in Boston. I spent all of Covid working from home, which was a big change for sure. It was strange at first being isolated but that ended up allowing me to learn more. I picked up running when the gyms shut down and even bagged a couple half marathons since then. I still spend a lot of my free time in the winter skiing with friends and family.
If you are looking to work together drop me a line directly with this form I set up. I listed a couple links to my active social medias if that's your jam.